Orthodontist Erie

Professional Orthodontist Erie, PA

Unlock your best smile in Erie, Pennsylvania with top-notch orthodontic care! Our clinic offers cutting-edge treatments like braces and Invisalign, tailored just for you. Start your journey with us to a brighter, more confident smile and enjoy a smooth, transparent treatment experience aimed at delivering the beautiful smile you deserve. Contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Best Dental Solutions

Find your ideal smile solution with our range of dental services. From orthodontics to general care, we have what your smile needs.

Need Help?

Questions? Ready to begin? Reach out now! Our team is on standby to help you start your journey to a healthier, brighter smile.

Book an Appointment

The first step towards achieving a beautiful, attractive, healthy smile and straight teeth is to contact us and schedule an appointment. We offer treatments for patients of all ages.

Orthodontics Erie - A girl with braces in a dental clinic smiling

Shaping Your Smile, Changing Your Life

In our Erie Orthodontic clinic, our DMD is passionate about more than just to straighten your teeth; we’re dedicated to transforming lives through smiles. Leveraging the latest technology in orthodontics, we offer highest quality care that goes beyond expectations. Our orthodontic office is a sanctuary of comfort and innovation, where every individual is treated with the utmost respect and understanding. We’re not just improving smiles; we’re changing lives and enhancing confidence that lasts a lifetime. Join us on this transformative journey, where your dream of a healthy smile becomes reality.

Happy Clients
8 K+

Over 8,000 clients in Erie area have trusted us to transform their smiles. Your satisfaction is our success.

orthodontist erie - 3 woman dentists
Years Of Experience
15 +

Benefit from our 15+ years of expertise in delivering top-notch orthodontic care and innovative solutions.


Our Comprehensive Smile Services

Discover a world of complete dental care for adults, children, and teens in Erie, where braces meet breakthrough treatments for your smile and oral health. Let’s elevate your confidence and well-being together!

Teeth Cleaning

Keep your smile bright and prevent dental issues with regular professional cleanings. Our gentle yet thorough cleaning process removes plaque, tartar, and stains, leaving your mouth fresh, clean, and healthy.

Dental Fillings

Restore the health and function of your teeth with our durable dental fillings. Whether it's cavities or minor tooth decay, our fillings blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing a solution that's both aesthetic and functional.


Replace missing teeth with the gold standard in dental restoration. Our dental implants provide a secure, strong foundation for artificial teeth, blending flawlessly with your natural teeth for a comfortable, long-lasting solution.

Teeth Whitening

Brighten your smile with our professional teeth whitening services. Safe, effective, and fast, our whitening service can lift stains and discoloration, giving you a brilliantly white smile with results you’ll see immediately.

Tooth Extraction

When a tooth cannot be saved, our compassionate extraction services come into play. We ensure a comfortable, pain-free experience, focusing on your health and preparing you for future restorative options.


Your Best Smile Starts Here

Tailored Treatment Plans

Every smile is unique, and so is our approach. Our DMD or certified dentists meticulously design treatment plans that align with your specific dental needs and lifestyle, ensuring outcomes that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Providing you with the best dental care you need is our top priority.

Cutting-Edge Comfort

Our clinic is equipped with the latest in dental technology, allowing us to offer a wide range of orthodontic service with precise and efficient treatments. But it's our gentle touch and patient-focused care that truly set us apart, making your dental journey as comfortable as possible.

Beyond the Smile

We believe in building relationships and empowering our patients with knowledge about their oral health. It's not just about creating beautiful smiles and the treatments; it's about providing a caring environment where you feel valued and informed every step of the way.


Seamless Access to Exceptional Orthodontist Service In Erie, PA

Stepping into a world of superior dental services has never been easier. Our friendly office is dedicated to making your journey towards a healthier, brighter smile as straightforward and hassle-free as possible. Discover the convenience of our patient-first approach.

Initial Consultation

Start with a personalized and complimentary consultation to discuss your dental goals and assess your needs. It's a chance to ask questions and understand your treatment options.

Customized Treatment Plan

Receive a tailored treatment plan designed specifically for you, outlining your treatment timeline and the steps to achieve your perfect smile.

Flexible Scheduling & Financing

We'll accommodate your schedule and discuss financing options, making your dental care convenient and affordable.

Ongoing Support & Care

Enjoy continuous support and expert care throughout your treatment, with routine check-ups and guidance on maintaining your dental health.

Curious? Let's Talk!

Got questions or need further details? We’re all ears! Reach out to us for any information about our services, scheduling, or how we can make your orthodontic journey smooth and successful. Let’s connect and take the first step towards your dream smile together!


Caring for Every Generation's Dental Needs

Offering specialized Orthodontics alongside a full spectrum of dental services, we cater to the needs of all ages, ensuring comprehensive and personalized care. Our clinic combines the latest in dental technology with a warm, patient-centric approach, creating an inviting atmosphere where every family member feels valued and cared for. Join us as we guide your family towards a future of bright smiles and healthy teeth.

Happy Clients
8 K+
Dentist & Staff
Years Experience
15 +

Orthodontic Excellence

Specializing in braces, aligners, and more for all ages.

Modern Care

Advanced techniques for efficient, effective orthodontic treatment.

Friendly Clinic

A supportive, patient-first environment for your orthodontic journey.


Frequently Ask Questions

Orthodontic services involve specialized dental care aimed at diagnosing, preventing, and treating dental and facial irregularities. These services include managing tooth movement and guiding facial development to achieve optimal alignment, function, and aesthetics of the mouth and jaw.

Dental treatment focuses on the health of the teeth, gums, and mouth, addressing issues like cavities, gum disease, and oral hygiene. Orthodontic treatment, on the other hand, specializes in correcting misalignments of the teeth and jaws, such as crooked teeth, overcrowding, and bite problems. While all orthodontists are dentists, not all dentists are licensed orthodontists; orthodontists receive additional training to specialize in aligning teeth and jaws.

No, orthodontic treatment is not limited to just braces. While traditional metal braces are a common orthodontic tool, the field also includes a variety of devices and techniques such as clear aligners (like INVISALIGN®), retainers, and other appliances designed to correct specific alignment issues. Orthodontics encompasses a broad range of treatments tailored to individual needs and preferences.

Individuals of any age can benefit from orthodontics if they have dental irregularities such as misaligned teeth, jaw misalignments, overcrowded teeth, excessive gaps between teeth, overbites, underbites, or other issues that affect the functionality and appearance of their smile. An orthodontist can determine the need for treatment through an evaluation, considering factors like age, dental development, and the specific nature of the misalignment.

Braces improve oral health and appearance by straightening misaligned teeth and correcting bite issues, which enhances dental function and improve your smile. Misaligned teeth can lead to jaw joint misalignment (TMJ), causing chronic headaches and facial pain. Braces also make teeth easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease, and boost self-confidence with a better smile. Essentially, braces aim for healthy, functional teeth alignment, preventing TMJ discomfort and improving aesthetics.

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, custom-made, removable aligners to straighten teeth without bands, brackets, or wires. Unlike traditional braces, these aligners are made from a virtually invisible plastic that's worn over your teeth. The treatment starts with a detailed 3D imaging consultation to map out your teeth's movement from start to finish. You'll wear each set of aligners for about two weeks, moving to the next set, and gradually shifting your teeth into place. Designed to be worn 20 to 22 hours a day, the aligners can be removed for eating and brushing. Treatment typically lasts 12 to 18 months, with regular check-ups to monitor progress. 

Surgical orthodontics, or orthognathic surgery, corrects severe jaw and bite abnormalities. It combines traditional braces with surgery to align the jaw, improving chewing, speaking, breathing, enhancing facial aesthetics, and treat obstructive sleep apnea. The treatment starts with braces to position the teeth properly. Then, an oral surgeon adjusts the jaw's alignment through surgery. Post-surgery, braces may be worn briefly to maintain the new alignment. This approach is typically used for adults and late teens when the jaw has fully grown and is recommended for cases too complex for braces alone.

orthodentist erie - girl with braces

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